8 Products to Help You Focus While at Your Desk


Are you someone who struggles with focusing when it comes time to sit down and get to work? You’re definitely not alone here. A majority of the population has trouble focusing at one point or another – especially with all of the distractions in today’s society (smartphone alerts, streaming music, television, etc.) According to a survey conducted by online learning company, Udemy, nearly 3 out of 4 workers (70 percent) admit they feel distracted when they're on the job, with 16 percent asserting that they're almost always distracted.

We are a culture of fast-moving, multitasking individuals who want to go-go-go and move-move-move. This is great for vitality, a healthy physique and socialization, but not so great when it comes time to slow down and get projects done.

Fortunately, there are a few products and tips that we’ve found helpful for focusing at work. Give one of these a try and let us know what’s most helpful for you! 

8 Products or Tips to Help You Focus While at Your Desk

1. Varier Chairs

Do you tend to feel a little restless when seated? Do you jiggle your leg or tap your foot while you work? It’s okay to crave a bit of movement – the Varier Chairs might be your new best friend!

Varier Chairs are made to move with your body – promoting balance, circulation, core strength, muscle tone and sustained energy. With a variety of chairs to choose from – you can pick the option that best suits you and your body. To learn more, contact us!

2. Apps like Headspace, Brain.fm and Noizio

Sometimes, all it takes is a digital helper to keep you in the zone. Check out this blog post from Product Hunt highlighting 11 different apps to help you find your focus. We’re big fans of Headspace and f.lux!


3. Saent Smart Device

Our brain focuses best in short spurts, so dedicating 25 minutes to one activity, taking a five-minute break, and then resuming that activity or switching to another activity for another 25 minutes will help,” says Kelly Noel Rasmussen, a digital marketer in Madison, WI. (1)

The Saent smart device can help you do this! It instantly boosts your productivity by allowing you to launch a timed focus session while blocking digital distractions (that you set via preferences) and glowing with “do not disturb” so coworkers know that you are busy and focusing. Additionally, Saent automatically calculates how long you should recharge after each focus session – suggesting things like taking a quick walk or getting some water. To learn more, visit the Saent website.

4. The Full Focus Planner®

Did you know that writing things down helps you remember them better? The Full Focus Planner® was designed to fuel your high-achieving lifestyle, so you can accomplish your biggest priorities without overwhelm and distraction. With pages dedicated to annual goals, monthly commitments, rolling quarters, weekly tasks and projects, daily focus pages, rituals and routines, weekly previews and quarterly previews – you literally can’t miss a beat!


5. Standing Desk

If you have trouble sitting still, then why not try STANDING still instead?! It’s worth a try at least, right? Standing up increases circulation throughout your body and actually boosts your energy levels. It can increase your level of focus also. Convert any desk into a standing desk with this adjustable converter. Available on Amazon and convenient for any type of office space!

6. Brain Food: Avocados, Nuts & Seeds, Protein Bars and Healthy Fats

This isn’t necessarily a secret “product,” but healthy fats and proteins are a sure-fire way to boost your brain power! Our brains are made of approximately 60% fat, so they need good sources of it to function optimally! What are you snacking on during the morning and afternoon? Choose wisely; foods like avocados, nuts and seeds, coconut, nut butters, low-sugar protein bars and other healthy fats should be your go-to snacks! Feed your brain because in return you’ll experience better focus and sustained energy.

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7. HazeOver Distraction Dimmer

Do you keep one million windows open on your desktop ‘just in case you need to come back to them’? You’re not the only one. So many of us keep multiple windows and programs open on our computers, and as a result, we suffer from distractions from notifications, alerts and more. HazeOver is an application that automatically highlights the front window on your desktop by fading out all of the background windows. The idea is that this app will help you focus on one application, program, thing at a time.

8. Simple Desk Timer

If the above-mentioned Saent device isn’t for you, One way to ensure that you stay focused is to set a timer and reward system for yourself. If you choose to work for 45 minutes straight, then you can get up at the 45-minute mark and get a cup of coffee or chat with a coworker. Whatever your time segment is – set a time-based focus goal for yourself and see if it boosts your productivity levels!

There are many different approaches you can take towards improving your focus while at the office. The best thing that you can do is explore some of the products or options above and see what works best for you! Everyone is different and benefits from their own strategy. Find what works for you and then run with it!

Nest Health Connections

Nest Health Connections is a corporate wellness company revolutionizing health and happiness in the workplace. We create holistic customized wellness programs for employers and their employees.


1.     https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateashford/2017/10/29/focus/#75aa7b383e26

2.     Udemy's survey

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