How Healthy Living Can Benefit Your Relationships


Is it really true? Is it possible that a healthy lifestyle can directly influence the health of your relationship with your significant other? We believe so…

Quality relationships themselves have the capacity to benefit us in all departments of our health (emotional, spiritual, physical, mental). Here’s what we’re talking about: 

Emotional health: Think about how often you lean on a friend or significant other to support you during a time of trial or grief. By simply talking to another person that loves you, you end up feeling better about yourself and the situation at hand. As a result, you’re happier and in a better place!

Mental health: Similar to the emotional health example above – having a support system in someone, or feeling happier when you’re around another person via laughter, positive energy, etc., directly affects your mental well-being. Surrounding yourself with supportive, positive people will make a difference in your mental disposition.

Physical health: Have you ever partnered up with a friend for the purpose of exercise accountability? This is a perfect example of how healthy living can improve your relationships. By partnering up with a friend, you both can help keep one another accountable for your weekly exercise and clean-eating goals.

Spiritual health: Is there someone that you enjoy going to church with regularly? Praying with? Meditating with, or sharing journal entries with? These are simple ways of spiritually engaging with another person; and these types of interactions greatly benefit your relationships and health.

You get the idea. Relationships play a huge role in our health. Without them, life wouldn’t be the same!


Because Valentine’s Day puts love on the brain, we got to thinking about how a healthy lifestyle specifically influences our relationships with a significant other. Wow, have we discovered quite a bit…

By being in physical shape and maintaining a healthy weight, you feel sexier (inside and outside of the bedroom!)

When you exercise regularly and choose some form of movement daily, you’re able to participate in more of life’s greatest adventures! Hiking, walking, getting outdoors, dancing and running with your partner might become regular activities – boosting your friendship and relationships in a variety of ways. Additionally, being in good physical shape improves your sex drive and helps spice things up in the bedroom because you feel better in your own skin. After all, it feels good to look good, doesn’t it?

Prioritizing healthy eating gets both of you more involved in the kitchen and also leaves both of you feeling lighter, mentally-clearer and happier.

When you eat a clean diet, you give your brain and body the nutrients that they truly need in order to create the correct hormones, neurotransmitters and chemicals to keep you functioning at your best. By eating well with your significant other, you both feel and look better, and likely perform better at work and during workouts. Furthermore, when both of you are passionate about eating clean (which likely results in you eating at home more than at restaurants), it gives you an excuse to get into the kitchen together and explore different recipes, ingredients and foods.

Developing a healthy bedtime routine brings you closer in a variety of ways.

If you and your significant other are committed to getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, then you are likely heading to bed around the same time. This gives you an opportunity to spend uninterrupted time together– reading your books side by side, drinking bedtime tea, talking or getting intimate.

Sharing a connection with someone in the spiritual realm creates a more meaningful relationship.

When both of you are spiritually passionate, you are able to develop a spiritual connection with one another that goes much further than a physical or emotional connection can. By meditating, praying or worshiping together, you develop a relationship that has a greater chance of satisfaction and survival.

Accepting one another – imperfections, bad habits and all – results in a relationship that cultivates mental and emotional health.

If you are willing to be an available support system for your partner – someone who is honest, optimistic and good at listening – then your partner should be willing to do the same! As a result, you are happier and stronger together. Being passionate about mental and emotional wellness will directly influence how you both talk to and act towards one another.

Practicing gratitude regularly can boost positivity for both parties.

When you express gratitude to one another, you both feel more appreciated and acknowledged. Relationships are hard work and you need to invest time in them! By making an effort to accept one another and express appreciation, you help cultivate a healthier and happier relationship.

Focusing on your own mental health and stress-management puts you in a good position for dealing with conflict and arguments.

By having stress-management techniques and self-love practices that are part of your lifestyle, you put yourself in a better place for when conflict arises between you and your significant other. By being able to handle stressful situations with grace and patience, any conflict between you and your partner is likely to be handled the same.

How do you see your healthy lifestyle benefiting your relationship with your partner? We’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Nest Health Connections

Nest Health Connections is a corporate wellness company revolutionizing health and happiness in the workplace. We create holistic customized wellness programs for employers and their employees.

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