10 Simple Ways to Make Your Lifestyle More Sustainable


You don't have to be an environmental activist or the leader of a wildlife conservation group in order to consider yourself passionate about sustainability and green living. In fact, what Mother Earth really needs is more people making simple shifts toward eco-friendly living on a consistent basis and less people only dedicating a weekend or summer to planet-friendly activities. Together, we can all make a huge difference if we're willing to make small, sustainable tweaks to our lifestyle — starting right now! With this in mind, let's talk about some ways that you can do so:

Compost, compost, compost

Food is the single most prevalent material in our landfills; and when it decomposes, it produces methane, a greenhouse gas 21x more potent than CO2. It's vital that all of us do our part to reduce food waste; and, instead, put our leftovers and food scraps to good use.

So, you know all those leftover greens from the bunch of carrots that you bought at the grocery store yesterday? Or the stems leftover from the basil you pulled from your herb garden? These scraps can now serve as nutrients for the same soil that they grew from!

Regardless of where you live, composting can be done at home. By doing so, you reduce your carbon footprint and helps combat climate change. If you don't know where to start, here's your composting guide. For a modern approach, consider the Vitamix Food Cycler that turns food scraps into fertilizer in just a few hours!

Shop from planet-friendly brands

Sustainable companies like these ones are truly changing the fashion industry for the better. If you're on the hunt for some new spring and summer clothes, consider shopping from these sustainable brands, and reduce your environmental impact as a result!


Try your best to cut out plastic

We know you don't need to be told about the importance of using metal straws instead of plastic ones, or reusable food wraps instead of plastic wrap. However, are you familiar with these other 51 ways to reduce your plastic use (or completely eliminate it)?

Consider a sweater before turning on the heat

The spring season is a bit up and down weather-wise, regardless of where you live. Before adjusting your thermostat, consider grabbing a sweatshirt if you're feeling chilly. Or, at night, if you find that you typically get a bit toasty, think about turning the thermostat down from sunset to sunrise. You can also take advantage of the fresh air by opening up the windows during the day and forgetting about your home's heating/cooling unit altogether!

Take care of your own trash and recyclables while traveling

Because you're away from home and likely out of your routine, it can be unfortunately easy to forget about your personal sustainable practices while traveling. Next time you're on a plane or taking a road trip, consider taking care of your own trash (and those around you if you're willing!) by separating recyclables from waste. Bring a small canvas bag with you for both, and then toss the items into their appropriate bins after getting off the plane or making a pit stop.

Time your showers

Yes, the hot water feels really nice on a chilly evening. However, according to the 2016 Residential End Uses of Water Study, the average American uses approximately 15.8 gallons of water throughout a shower lasting ~7.8 minutes. (That's a lot.) By reducing your shower time, you're reducing water waste. Ideally, we'd all shower for no more than 5 minutes! Can you get on board with that? Check out this shower timer to help hold yourself accountable.


Go paperless

Opt to receive digital notices and letters whenever possible. By doing so, you'll have to check your mailbox much less often. You'll also get to experience the satisfaction of having all of your digital files in one place — online! Let's be honest...your files are much safer in folders on your computer than in the abyss of your office desk drawer.

Raise sustainable children

Do you have a little one on the way? Having a sustainable household means including your children in sustainable practices alongside you and your partner! Baby List put together a collection of 2021's best natural baby products — from strollers to diapers — and Best Products also shared their collection here. If you're living in an environmentally-friendly way, shouldn't your baby have that opportunity, too?

Give planet-friendly gifts

Next time a birthday or holiday rolls around, consider giving gifts that are digital, sustainably sourced or handmade. A few ideas include a digital birthday card or video, handwritten note, homemade jewelry, hats or scarves, or a unique experience.

Get your pet on board with a green lifestyle

Yes, there are eco-friendly pet toys, treats and essentials on the market — and they're waiting for your purchase! Consider the environment when shopping for your furry loved one. Check out these sustainable pet products highlighted by Insider, and take a look at these ideas for zero-waste pet care while you're at it!

Nest Health Connections

Nest Health Connections is a corporate wellness company revolutionizing health and happiness in the workplace. We create holistic customized wellness programs for employers and their employees.

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