How to Create Positivity Within the Workplace


Sometimes, it can be easy to go through the motions and get into a habit of keeping to yourself, putting your head down and getting your work done in the workplace – without really putting in any effort throughout the day to build relationships, practice mindfulness and express gratitude. This is a dangerous cycle that many of us fall into!

How can we break this cycle and truly continue to live fully even when we’re at work? How can we create a positive environment in the workplace that inspires, motivates and uplifts us?

We’ve been thinking over this a lot lately, and we’ve come up with a variety of things that we can all do in order to make the workplace a more positive and inspiring place. Check it out and let us know if you have tips of your own to share!

Do something special for lunch.

How hard is it to schedule a lunch date, or ask a coworker to eat lunch together in the café? Try your best to set aside some time in the middle of the day for you to actually enjoy lunch, either with yourself or with another person (instead of just eating at your desk in a matter of 10 minutes). Having this small break in your day to laugh, smile, and mindfully enjoy your food can put a positive spin on the rest of your afternoon!


Have a conversation with someone that you enjoy.

Do you have a friend at work that sits in a different area, or works on another floor? Take time to check-in with them throughout the week – stop by their desk for a conversation or to catch up. Socializing at the office is important because without it we get stuck in the isolating grind of working at our desk. Everyone needs human interaction throughout the day – so take time to chat it up with someone that you enjoy! 

Focus on good posture.

Sitting up straight at your desk is vital to having a healthy body and positive attitude. When we are hunched over, we strain our lower back, shoulder and neck muscles, and we also create a negative mental space for ourselves. Body language is everything… If you want to feel happy and mentally clear in the workplace, then you need to practice sitting up straight at your desk! By sitting up straight, your brain’s mental response is alertness, optimism and clarity. 

Make your workspace aesthetically pleasing.

Is there a quote, photograph or print that you love? Frame it and put it on your desk! Fill your workspace with items that inspire you and/or make you feel good. By establishing a positive mood at your desk, you’ll feel happier while working!


Don’t work yourself to death.

Are you skipping out on your son’s basketball game because you have 200 emails in your inbox? Although sometimes you have to prioritize your career, always make time for the things in your life that are most important to you. Don’t overwork yourself. Make sure that you set a good boundary between work and outside life, because you have to have a good balance of both in order to feel fulfilled!

Ask for support and help when you need it.

Are you struggling with a certain task or project? Ask for help! There is always someone that you can learn something from, and there is likely a person sitting near you that will be able to help you tackle whatever is causing you stress. When we ask for support and help from others, we dodge the anxiety that comes from trying to figure things out on our own, and we always end up learning something new!

Incorporate some form of mindfulness into your day.

How are you practicing mindfulness throughout the day? Do you take a 10 minute walk after lunch? Or are you finding a quiet space in the afternoon to reset? Whatever it is, find some time throughout the day to practice being present and quiet with yourself. This will help you keep a clear head when stressful circumstances come your way, and it will also increase your positivity and happiness within the workplace. 

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Stand up for yourself.

We all know how intimidating it can be to express your opinion, needs or wants in the work environment. However, by doing so, you not only give yourself the opportunity to truly stand up for yourself and what you believe, but you also allow opportunity to come your way! Choose to shine in the workplace – don’t be afraid to participate, or to express your concerns or opinions! This will add dynamic to your work environment, and will also open up doors of opportunity.

Don’t let your blood sugar drop too low.

If you want to maintain a positive attitude throughout the day, along with sustained energy, then you have to keep your blood sugar stable. Reach for snacks like sliced avocado, grass-fed beef jerky, whole Greek yogurt, a protein bar, or hummus and veggies when you’re feeling hungry mid-morning or afternoon. By eating more fats and proteins for snacks, you avoid the carbohydrate blood sugar spike and crash (and that crash is no fun…think irritability, light-headedness, anxiety, low energy, etc.) that we experience when we solely snack on things like crackers, chips, cookies or breads.

See? There are so many different ways that you can add positivity to your work life; and we didn’t even mention all of them! How are you working to stay positive throughout the day, or what are your practices for maintaining a happy attitude throughout the week? Share with us in the comments below!

Nest Health Connections

Nest Health Connections is a corporate wellness company revolutionizing health and happiness in the workplace. We create holistic customized wellness programs for employers and their employees.

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