8 Small Steps You Can Take Towards Wellness

If you are anything like us, you experience the overwhelm of the wellness trends and conversations constantly circling around in the media.

“Go gluten-and-dairy-free!”

“Steer clear of peanut butter and choose almond butter instead.”

“Exercise for 45 minutes each day, 5 times a week for maximum results!”

The list goes on. How do you know what to believe? How do you know when something is right for YOU and YOUR body? What if you’re just now starting to live a healthy lifestyle? Where do you even start?

It can be frustrating to get started on your wellness journey. Do you start with food? Exercise? Meditation? All three? How do you do it all at once?! Here’s the answer in short: YOU DON’T HAVE TO.

Your wellness journey is kind of like a puzzle – it has a bunch of different pieces, and you have to be patient and make small efforts to find a place for each one. Instead of feeling like you have to make ALL of the healthy lifestyle changes that you hear and read about RIGHT NOW, let’s talk about the small changes that you can make that will actually benefit your health majorly! This health story of yours isn’t about ALL or NOTHING of one thing or another, it’s about choosing to step in the direction of things that are GOOD for your mind, body and spirit.

So let’s get to it. What are some small baby steps that you can take in the direction of wellness today, this week or this month?

1) Start taking some time to slow down and be present.


The whole idea behind mindfulness is that you take time to be in the present moment – no matter where you are or what you’re doing. How can you slow down a little bit in your life to make sure that you’re living more mindfully? Can you put your phone away while you eat your lunch? Or could you take 5-10 minutes in the afternoon to find a quiet space or step outside for some alone time? What about making sure that you aren’t multitasking when you’re spending time with your significant other or kids? Taking time to live mindfully (even in the smallest ways) will greatly benefit your relationships, mental health and ability to handle stress.

2) Think about saying “yes” a little more.

Some people view a healthy lifestyle as one in which you have to say “no” to all of the good things; but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Living a healthy lifestyle means saying YES – to more veggies and greens, more walks and hikes outside, more time spent with people who encourage and support you, more soul-searching, and more adventures in the realm of spirituality, emotional well-being and happiness! Practice saying yes more often to things that will truly benefit you and make you feel good – healthy foods, different types of exercise, sunshine, positive relationships, herbal teas and great books.

3) Listen to what your body is telling you.


Instead of feeling like you have to give up dairy and gluten because the rest of the wellness world seems to be doing so, how about listening to your own body instead? Do you feel bloated after consuming a certain food? Or are you experiencing migraines regularly? Try starting a simple food journal – record what you eat throughout the day and then write down any symptoms that you experience beside them. Over time, you’ll discover the right diet for YOU, and you’ll feel and look like your best self because you’ll be giving your body exactly what it loves and needs.

4) Expose yourself to healthy content in the media.

There are so many talented bloggers, recipe developers and podcast creators that are filling the media with positive content. Making sure that you’re bringing this content in on a regular basis is important for self-education and discovery! We learn so much by listening to others. Some of our favorite healthy podcasts, website and blogs include:

The Ultimate Health Podcast – a podcast that tackles a variety of health topics, featuring world-class experts in the health & wellness community

Mind Body Green – a lifestyle media brand covering all of the bases of wellness (fitness, healthy recipes, holistic healing, relationship advice, mental health, sustainable practices, etc.) and even offering online masterclasses

TED Talks (Health) – a nonprofit dedicated to spreading ideas around technology, entertainment and design through short, powerful talks and videos (and in this case, all on the topic of health)

The Good Life Project – a podcast that shares inspirational, intimate and disarmingly-unfiltered conversations about living a fully-engaged, fiercely-connected and purpose-drenched life

Rich Roll – a podcast run by an athlete and wellness evangelist, delving deep into all things wellness (health, fitness, nutrition, art, empowerment, spirituality, etc.)

Balanced Bites – a podcast run by two women who are passionate about healthy eating, beauty and skincare, having a healthy mindset and becoming a pro in the kitchen

Happier – a podcast run by Gretchen Rubin, who is passionate about happiness and creating healthy habits, and dives into the science of human nature

The Chalkboard Mag – a website/blog dedicated to living well (featuring nontoxic beauty, stylish fitness wear and trends, tips for having a healthy relationship with technology, healthy recipes, and more)

Well and Good – a platform specializing in the topics of all things well and good (good sweat, good looks, good advice, good food, good travel, etc.)

5) Catch a few more zzzz’s.


How much sleep are you getting each night? Can you make the effort to go to bed one hour earlier? Sleep deprivation leads to so many different issues – hormonal imbalance, mood swings, anxiety and depression, brain fog, obesity, low energy and motivation, and even digestive issues. Try your best to make a positive change in your sleep routine by getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night. It will change how you feel each day!

6) Try reducing your sugar intake.

Kind of like sleep deprivation, sugar can significantly impact how you feel and look! It’s such an addictive substance, and it’s in practically every single processed food these days. Instead of taking on the daunting task of giving up sugar all together, just make a shift in how often you’re consuming it and what types of it you’re ingesting. Do you really need a sugary latte from Starbucks three times a week? Can you reach for more whole foods and less processed foods when snacking? Also, try using raw honey, organic stevia or pure maple syrup as a sweetening agent instead of cane sugar, which is highly processed and sometimes bleached. Ultimately, the less sugar that you consume, and the more natural forms of it that you choose when you do, the better you are ultimately going to feel!

7) Get up and move!


In order to enjoy exercise, you have to find a form of movement that you love! Do you enjoy spending time outside? Or are you someone that thrives in group-workout settings? There are so many different types of exercise out there – hiking, walking, biking, running, HIIT, Pilates, yoga – the list goes on! Find a form of movement that you love and exercise will begin to be – do we dare say it? – enjoyable! Move a little bit each day and you’ll be happier and healthier.

8) Can you say no to a third cocktail?

Limiting your alcohol intake will change the way that you feel in the mornings and throughout the week. If you enjoy a glass of wine each evening – that’s fine! But try to keep it at that. Alcohol adds unnecessary calories to our days and can be full of sugar or gut disruptors. If you’re planning on enjoying a cocktail, try to stick to something simple – avoiding excess sugar from simply syrups and added flavors.

As you can see, there are so many small, simple ways that you can step in the direction of wellness! Your journey doesn’t have to feel overwhelming – you just have to be willing to make small efforts each day towards health and happiness.

Set a small goal for yourself this week! Choose one of the tips above and focus on it. You truly will never regret making the choice to live a healthy lifestyle because when you do so you will mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually flourish!

Nest Health Connections

Nest Health Connections is a corporate wellness company revolutionizing health and happiness in the workplace. We create holistic customized wellness programs for employers and their employees.